
Left wing groups getting more money either directly or indirectly from government

Redstate has this:

The Senate Carves $90 Million Out of Stimulus For Liberal Activist Group
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
Monday, February 2nd at 8:00AM EST
The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (”LCCR”) is a far left interest group.

The group opposed conservative judges. The group agitates for card check. The group is in favor of the Fairness Doctrine. It is chiefly an agitator for affirmative action programs and tries to pressure banks into giving high risk loans like those that caused the housing crisis. If you oppose them, they label you a racist.

LCCR operates like ACORN. And the Senate Democrats are about to give the $90 million of your money.

Under the cover of the digital television conversion delay, the Senate Democrats want to give the LCCR $90 million. . . . .

The Business and Media Institute has this:

ACORN Gets $2,000,000 from Bailed Out Bank of America
Will media pursue beleaguered financial institutions charitable contribution to controversial organization as they have with executive compensation?

By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
2/3/2009 6:13:28 AM

Remember the outrage when it was discovered former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain – how he spent over a $1 million to redecorate his office, as meticulously itemized by CNBC correspondent Charlie Gasparino for The Daily Beast?

Merrill Lynch was acquired by Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) in September 2008 and Thain was eventually let go, and the backlash for his extravagant redecorating ensued.

But, this latest indiscretion has gone unnoticed by the media – a donation in the amount of $2 million to the ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) Housing Corporation of Chicago, according to a document posted on Bank of America corporate philanthropy Web site – which shows the bank had given the total amount in grant money from October 2007 through June 2009.

The document also details several regional grants to ACORN, which is said to be finalized through 2009, but currently included the following:

ACORN (Miami) - $50,000
ACORN Housing Corp. (Chicago) – $85,000
ACORN Housing Corporation (Las Vegas) - $20,000



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